I think that ratio is better to use than percentages because by using percentages you don't get the exact number. Such as, 35%, you do not know how much 35% percent is unless you do the math and that takes more time. Sometimes you may end up with decimals, and that is even harder to solve the problem. Very least of the time, you do not have to do the math because each percent represent one item or thing. 
     If I owned a restaurant and is running short on bread, I would use a ratio to help me by dividing it up into quarters to equal 100. So it will be like one fourth, two fourth, and so on. The ones equal 25. What if I had spend half of my amount of bread and needed more? Well, that will be using 2/4 of bread and to keep supplies full, I will simply buy another 2/4. I buy another 2/4 loaves of bread because I want to keep my supplies full to a 100%. So, 2/4+2/4 equals 4/4 or one whole. By using a ratio you know how much quantities you are going to buy. You could divide up 100 into how much you would like, as long as it is equal to 100.

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