Sexual reproduction is different from asexual reproduction because it involves fertilizing the inside organ. Sexual reproduction must include a mother and a father; however, asexual reproduction doesn't need to include a mom or dad. During sexual reproduction, the male fertilizes the egg inside the woman's body.
     Asexual reproduction doesn't need to include a male and female together. Just a female or male can reproduce by itself. Organisms that reproduce asexually can also reproduce sexually too. Therefore, asexual reproducing organisms can reproduce in two ways. 
     I would be very scared to be on a surgery with an inexperience surgeon that had never seen the inside of a body before. He or she may not know what to do when it opened up the body, or he or she may be too scared. Even though the surgeon may be an expert, he or she may have never see the inside of a body before and may cut too deep and ruin organs. Also, he or she may damage a muscle and a body part by cutting too deep. Therefore, I would feel unsafe with the surgeon. 
     Even if the surgeon is an experienced one, I will still be scared because there is always mistakes. The surgeon could accidentally cut out the wrong piece, and then I may be disable. An inexperienced surgeon may never see the real figure of a body before and since it is very complex, he or she may also cut out a wrong piece. So it is very dangerous if you have never seen the inside of a living organism before and going to give 
     Things become visible to the human eye when light bounces of it. The light is the first step to make the illuminated object visible. However, that is not all that it takes there are still more to it. First light bounce off the object, then the object reflects one color of the light and it hits your eye. First, the light travels past your cornea, then to the aqueous humor, next, to the iris, then finally to the pupil, where light is going into the internal eye.
     In the internal eye, the light go past the vitreous humor, next to the retina. Then the most important spot the blind spot, the entrance to the optic nerve, so you could define what the object is. The optic nerve leads to the brain, where objects are define. Therefore, that is how light and objects can be seen.
     My animal was the black swan. I had been researching and creating projects about the animal for a few weeks. Even though the animal I saw didn't fascinate me, I think it was because I already saw it. Or it could be that the animal was to far away, and I couldn't see it up-close. Well, as you can see, when I was half-way through my work, my family and I went to San Francisco Zoo. Over there I saw my animal up close, and even though it was only a short while, it had an effect on me. 
     The black swan at the Chaffee Zoo was different from the black swan at the San Francisco Zoo. The black swan at the Chaffee Zoo was quiet and quite peaceful. However, the black swan I saw at San Francisco Zoo was quite gentle and made soft honking sound. The swan there wasn't noisy, it was actually very peaceful. Therefore, I think that I was fascinating when I first saw my 
     Most people said that rainbows form from simply just water and light. Well there's more to it. In nature, the sun's rays are like light and water is like mirrors. As you can see, people don't really use light and mirrors to create rainbows, but use light and water. When the sun is up after a rainy day a rainbow forms and that is how rainbows started. Since the sun's rays are like light and water is like mirror, when the sun is up after a rain storm the light of the water dew or droplets refracts with the sunlight and becomes visible. Therefore, that is how nature creates a rainbow. Light isn't visible until it is refracted or bend. Refraction happens to make light visible. 
     Rainbows form when light and mirrors join in the same way. Except that now you are using mirror and light instead of water and sunlight. When turning on the light, use the mirror to reflect the light a specific way and a rainbow will appear. As you can see, making rainbow is really simple to how it forms.
     At first my idea of why is the sky blue was partly correct, but it still needed more information. I research that that the sky is blue because there are small particles or elements. That made up the sky, and it is blue because our human eyes see it that way. As we head further into space the particles spread wider apart than it is on Earth. It spreads more because there is less gravity. Then the particles receives light from the sun and reflects the blue light and absorbs all the other light. Also, our eyes see the sky to be blue, so therefore, the that is why the sky is blue. 
     As you can see, the sky is blue because of various of reasons. It was because of the sensitive human eye and the particles and the effects of light. The sky may be blue for other of various reasons that we don't know.
     There are three reasons why I think that the sky is blue. One reason is of all the molecules or elements in space that cause the sky to be blue when light shines on it. When lights from the sun and stars shine on the sky it may reflect blue light. Therefore, the sky absorbs all light. The sky is like a thing and absorbs light and reflect light. Another reason is that the sky reflects water on Earth and that made it the way it is. Since the water is like a mirror it reflects the sky and then the sky changes color. 
     Another reason may be that every organisms' eye can only see the sky this way. Therefore, the sky doesn't have a change. Our eyes just see and function like that. These are three reasons why I think that the sky is blue. It can be because of the the molecules that reflect the blue light, reflection of water, or our own eyesight.
There can be many theories to explain why temperate climate plants are found in Antartica. One theory is that Antartica would have once been warmed. It may be warm because it was part of Pangea and that cause a warm temperate climate for organisms to survive. The organisms may have travel there and inhabit it, but when plate tectonics moves and separate Pangea. The climate may have turn cooler because it is towards the equator. Then the organisms may not have notice that the plates had moved and wasn't prepared for the cold. Or they weren't able to adapt fast enough to the climate change. Therefore, most species died out. This is one of the theory. 
     The theory may have been proven because organisms were preserved by the ice. Then it was discover today. That may be how the theory may have happen. As you can see, Antartica was different from long ago and today. 
     My animal I got was a black swan from the Chaffee Zoo. I was to do a research on it, and by doing the researches I learned things about the animal that I haven't know before. Such as, the looks of a black swan. The swan is about the size of the white swan, however it is black and has a red beak. Also, the males tend to have longer necks than the females, and they are bigger. I learned that the species was originated from Australia, also I learned that the beautiful animal lives in swampy places and can live in both fresh water and salt water. The black swan means the sign of mystery and music because of the black color. Therefore, the black swan is an amazing creature.
     The black swan has a related characteristic to most animals. Such as, they live in large flocks. However, this information I found about them is very fascinating. The parents or the mature swan are herbivores, and the cygnets are carnivores. At the young age the cygnets feed on small creatures such as crabs, fishes, or insects. The cygnets are carnivores because protein in meat helps the cygnets grow faster and healthier. As you can see, there are many fascinating facts about common animals.
 I think that the most important discovery of science is the discovery of "Evolution." As you can see, evolution is the change with organism over time. Without knowing about evolution, we may never know who were our ancestors. Our ancestors during history do not look like us, so if the theory of evolution haven't been discover there would be like something missing to the puzzle piece. Since the puzzle piece is missing we may only believe what our grandparents tell us and never know the true theory. Without evolution we may also never evolve into a human being. Therefore the discovery of evolution is a benefit. 
     Evolution is a change to our bodies over time. It changes because of the climate change or the movements of Earth's crusts. Once long ago, the Earth was a Pangea, a continent all connected together. But, as the plates started to move, the weather changes and that is when our bodies adapt to the new climate. For example, if it's a cold climate we may grow fur to protect us from the cold and if it is hot we may be in our normal skin. Likewise the discovery of evolution is a add-on to our science and