My best experience this year is the ideas I combined from two topics I learn in science and core. In core we have been learning about the development of modern day human by the creation of Adam. It was during the Middle Ages that most people started to believe in that. With the idea, it started out the human being. However, in science, it was said that human being formed from bacteria and evolution. Human first existed in the Cenozoic Era, where mammals were introduce to the new Era. 
     Therefore, my idea was that in core, human was created by God, and in science, human was created by bacteria. That the ideas clashed because no one is really sure of how human formed. Many believe it was God who formed human beings and those people are mostly Christian. However, those who son't believe in that, believed in scientific research, where things were tested out with lots of clues and evidence. 
     There are both pros and cons to the Columbian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange is the contact between the New World and the Old World. Trades happen between these two continents and that began the Columbian Exchange. The pros to the Columbian Exchange are that it helps trade goods to be transported and used in new places. Trade goods such as sugar canes, cattle, and tropical fruits are transported to the New World. The Old World would then receive goods such as tomatoes, potatoes, and corn from the New World. Goods are being introduce to both the New and Old World.     The cons of the Columbian Exchange are that the Old World people brought disease to the New Wolrd, such as small pox. Since the genes of the New World people can't consist of the disease, most of the people die. Also, some people in the Old World were afraid to try the New World items. However, they later overcome the thought, and it became part of their daily diet or use. I think that the Columbian Exchange effected more on the pros than cons. 
     When I visit the zoo, I figured I like the station closest to the zoo and bird entrance most. It was about  the adaptations of birds and why the beaks of birds vary from places to places. This was a theory from Charles Darwin, a famous scientist known for his theory of evolution. The beaks of birds are different from where they live, what they eat, and what are their habits. If a bird lives in the Artic, it would probably have a small beak because there are only a few insects to eat. Also, most of their diet is on insects. Another example, if a bird lives in the tropics, their beaks may be small of big depending on what they eat. If they eat insects they may have a small beak and if they eat fruits they may have a hard beak. Another example is the bird's habits. If the bird were to be a woodpecker, it will have a hard beak because it drills hole in trees most of the time. 
     I leaned in the station that each bird's beak differs from where they live, what they eat, and their ah
The fall of the Inca Empire was similar to the Aztec Empire because it fell when the Spaniards came and conquer them. Each ruler was killed by the Spaniards, and both rulers mistake the Spanish for a God that they honor. Also, the two kings pay the Spanish leaders to leave the land, but both the leaders refused. During the battles the Spanish had a military advantage because they have horses, a four legged animal that the Aztecs and Incas never seen before. Also, the Spanish have stronger weapons, such as cannons and guns. 
     The fall of both great empire fell from the mistake of one ruler and the Spanish. The Spanish removed most of the items in the Aztec and Incas culture by destroying the homes of the people and change it into a place to learn Christianity. Therefore, much of Aztec and Inca traditions were lost. Moctezuma, Pachacuti, Pizzaro, and Cort
     My favorite moments of seventh grade are the first day of school. It was fun looking around the school. Even though I had just arrive I felt excited and think that the year is going to be fun. Another moments are in core were our teacher help us like in elementary. She guides us through step-by-step. Another favorite moment is in the quad where people always perform and have fun. I have perform there a couple of time. Also, the fun part is that I have many new friends. They are friendly to me and help me with my work.
     I'm happy here at Computech and during my seventh grade year. As you can see, the year is almost over and I am going to miss seventh grade. The times here was fascinating, and I learned a lot. Even though the first day of school was kind of scary I overcame it and found that Computech is a safe and wonderful place.
     The end of the Mayan civilization remains a mystery. I think that warfare cause the Mayan civilization to collapse. Since battle is common during Mayan times, population must have decrease and no one were able to fight, therefore the kings and nobles will have less soldiers in the military. In other words, it may be that since Mayan people killed and burned all their enemies and their enemies' towns, at the end only few people will be left. It may be that there are only the rulers left; when one ruler won there won't be many people in his town left, since they were all attacking eachother. 
     Because of warfare, it destroyed fields and crops. Then there are less food supplies and that couldn't support the population left. Then people die of starvation. As you can see, warfare cause the end of the Mayan civilization by violence, destruction, and starvation.
     My huge family and I had finally reached the new land. We have been traveling for miles and miles. We are about at Mexico, some of the southern countries. It was getting warmer, and we have been following the bison herd for about a month. The area we are in now is surround with abundant food that will last about a year. I think we should all stay here. However, there were some disagreements. The older people said we have been following herds of animals throughout their lives and didn't want to change it. But, the young people were tired of walking and always moving. Therefore, we made a big decision that night and decided to stay and see how the place was going to be like. 
     The next morning, everyone was setting up tents and was searching the area for food. Of course, there were plenty of plants, and we could make soup out of it. Our family decided to live there for a while, but when it was time to leave, many of us didn't want to go any more, because we were used to the place. Therefore, the place was our home for generations and generations. We would tell our children how we first found the new land.
     My favorite book that I read this year was Atlanta and the Arcadian Beast. It is about a girl my age living in the wild alone since the mystery animal or the Arcadian beast killed her adopted father. She was alone, but instantly found her play mate long ago. He was a bear, and she named him Urso. She came to know him because during her child years, she was abandoned, and Urso's mom adopted her. Then when she was about three or four years old, her adopted father went hunting and saw her. Her adopted father realize that his wife wanted a child, so he took the child with him. Later on the years, Atlanta's mother died and she during her youth year she became a skilled hunter and that was when her father past away. She wanted to take revenge for her father and wanted to kill the Arcadian Beast. Therefore, on her adventures to the town and cities with Urso by her side, she came to know people and understand them. However, at first she was wild and the people at the town didn't like her. After a while though, the people came to know her better and she went on her adventures;meeting many new friends along the way. Then Atlanta realized that she was a princess when she arrived to visit the palace to help kill the Arcadian Beast. When she finally killed the beast, she figured they were just a lovely family. The father had been badly injured and wounded by Atlanta; the mother had already been dead; the cub was young and unable to fly yet. She realizes his life was just like her. Living in the world of strangers, with no one left.
     Even though this book doesn't relate a lot to me, I love the adventures and the bravery and strongness of Atlanta. She was acting like what I may act in a situation like her. Except, I wouldn't be as fierce as her. Atlanta was my most favorited book of the books I read this year. 
The Scientific Revolution is the change in the Renaissance because of the discovery of science. At first science was not very accurate because the early people thought of their own ideas and put it down. Therefore, the Scientific Revolution was a time where the real science begins. During and after the Scientific Revolution people who come up ideas on the subject of science was to have observations, facts, and theories. These are the support or proof of the new idea created.
     The Scientific Revolution history was from the Greeks. They hold the ideas, and when the Muslims found the ideas, they use it to improve their lives and later translated it into Latin, where the Europeans can read it. Therefore, the Scientific Revolution was from the Greeks to the Muslims to the Europeans. As you can see, the Scientific Revolution is an impact in history because it is a new gift to the people and it gave people freedom. 
     The Five Theses is the opinions I want to add up to the school. Firstly, I think that band should be on the Computech campus. Therefore, we do not have to walk all the way to the high school. The second reason is that the students at Computech should get to wear none standard dress every three weeks instead of every five weeks. The next reason is that there should be more room in the library, so when students come in they could do their work without squeezing in to a gap. Afterwards, there should be a bigger pick-up/drop-off place, so there wouldn't be such a long line that reaches the street. The next these is that we should have more field trips too. Having more field trips could keep students active because they do not have to stay in the school everyday. The theses I state above may be good ideas.
     However, I think there will be conflicts, such as some people won't agree to have band closer because they like the walking the long way to the high school. The next, some people may not want to have none standard dress because they like wearing uniforms. Afterwards, people may like the library to stay the same, since they don't want to spend money making the new structure. In addition, some parents may want  to keep the pick-up drop-off place because they like it like that. Another reason, students may not want to go to field trips because they want to participate in activities at school. Nevertheless, I disagree because all of the Five Theses seemed to benefit most of the students and partly benefit the school.