There are two ways to convert a fraction into a decimal. But which way is better? There is no right or wrong way. One way is to divide the denominator by the numerator. If it is a mix number, change it into an improper fraction by multiplying the denominator by the whole number and adding the numerator to it. Then divide the numerator into the denominator and that it how to turn a fraction into a decimal. 
      Another way is to know your place values. If the fraction was one tenth, in decimals place values, it would be ones, decimal, tens, hundred, and so on. Therefore, the decimal will be 0.1, because there is no whole number, so there should only be a one in the tens place. Sometimes if the fraction is like 1/4 then you will have to divide the numerator into the denominator because there is no place values for that. I like using the way where you divide the numerator into the denominator. It is more exact too. 

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