There are two ways to convert a fraction into a decimal. The first way is to do it by using place values. Look at the decimal, if it is a regular decimal all you have to do is to use place values. If the decimal is 0.33. Use place values. Ones, then tens, then hundreds. The answer is 33/100, because you keep the numbers in the decimal and just put in the place value as the denominator. I the decimal is 3.42, then go for the place value again. Ones, tens, hundreds. The number is 42/100 and add the 3 and therefore the number is 3 42/100. However, you are not done, simplify 3 42/100, which equals 3 21/50.
     Another way is to multiply or find the least common denominator. If the decimal was .11, then make it into a fraction by putting a one under it. Next, you get .11/1, then multiply it with 100. You should get 11/100. Since you don't need to simplify the answer is still 11/100. If it were to be a mix number like 1 11/100 when you convert it to a fraction, keep the one or whole number and you should end up with 1 11/100. I prefer using the least common multiple, to convert the decimal into a fraction because it is easier not to remember all the place values. Also, multiplying by a hundred is simple and cannot be hard.
2/13/2020 06:56:21 pm

Fractions is basic but very important that if a student miss to learn this properly he may find it difficult in his later studies. Knowing how to add fractions is the foundation to learn fraction properly and to successfully learn advance fraction topic in higher grades. To learn easily you need a checker that will check if your solution is right. I always use fraction calculator to check my solutions. But there are also times when manual checking is best especially when practicing the same fraction for a period of time.​​​ Using physical calculator is also good but some calculator does not have fraction functionality.


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