The Grand Canyon lies deeply on top of northern Arizona. The superposition of the Grand Canyon is that it was once underwater, and layers and layers of rocks form overtime. The youngest layers are the ones on top, and the oldest are the one on the bottom. Scientist prove this by the evidence found in the layers of rocks. An underwater bacteria, trilobite had been found in the rocks, and that proved the Grand Canyon is millions and millions of years old. Each layer of rock has its own age. Overtime the water that was once over the canyon lowered from the sea level affected by plate tectonics, erosions, and the weather. 
     Scientist had identify these evidence that the Grand Canyon was once below sea level and the layers of rocks form from the sediment that was left behind when the sea water decreased. There are about two different kinds of rocks. One formed by mountains and the other by volcanoes. The volcanoes causes more dark colored rocks than the mountains does.
     Peppered moths are a kind of moth in England. I guess you know why they are called peppered moths. It 's because their wings looks like they are peppered. These moth have been changing colors from spotted black to black. The moths are the same species, but they change because of the pollution. During a time, England had factories that burned on coals and produce ashes. With that it cause the moth to change from spotted black to black. This change will affect the way the moth lives in its environment.
     Natural selection affected the moths, for some parts of England are quite polluted it affected the environment and causes the surroundings to turn their color a bit more dark. Since pollution causes the forest that the moths live to become darker it might have a change to the moth's genetic code and causes the moth to turn black and became well or better adapt to the climate. That is natural selection, when an animal change to become better adapted to the environment so they can survive.
      Competition causes evolution for the need of habitat or the same environment. Every animal needs a habitat that relates to it in some way for it to be able to survive. When the population is increasing the animals will fight over territory. The won that gets the most lands are more likely to survive and the animals with less land or no land wouldn't survive as well. With that some of these animals may evolve or if they evolve too slowly they will become extinct. If they evolve fast enough the organism may have a change to their genetic code and become another kind of species or just different physical looks to help the organism survive in there environment. Overtime the species may become unable to reproduce with the same kind or family like them. Such as the organism with the better lands that haven't evolve couldn't reproduce successfully with the ones that evolve.
     As you can see, competitions are some of the main reason why organism change overtime. Without the proper grounds the organism may evolve or not survive. That's why the organism change overtime.  Also with this reason the animals fight for territory.
     The paper pet family I made in my science class was an experiment to learn about the genotypes and phenotypes of things. In other words, the gene and looks or outcomes of things. In the paper pet family I with my partner and had a mother and a father, two boys, and four girls. 
     First we do the genotype and phenotype of the parents. My partner chose to be a male and chose to be a female. Next we name them and then we flip a coin the see if what genotype are they. After repeating that many times to finish up all the genotypes, we draw the phenotype on a figure that looks like it and copy the genotype that we did on a separate piece of chart paper.  
     Next we use a coin to figure out the gender of each of the six children. Then we chose the name and copy the genotype from the piece of chart to the figure. Next we draw the genotype for each of the children and tape the family onto a paper.