The discovery of iron change life of West Africa because iron is a hard metal. The Nok people that lived in Nigeria found certain kinds of rocks than hardens when heated. The hard metal is a great improvement with the civilization. It could have been an important expensive trade item in trade. Since it is rare that makes it cost a lot. 
     West Africa made weapons such as spears or arrows. The spears and arrows are used for hunting and fighting. They also made something that help with the economy like shovels. Shovels made working in the fields faster than usual, so farmers may have to plant crops early. Since it is faster the farmers would have to spend less time in the fields, so they are not as tired. The shovels are a handy tool to the farmers. Iron could be also be made into sharp iron blade or swords, so that increase the population. The population got bigger because before they do not have iron so cutting down trees are hard. Now the use the sharp blade to cut down forest and that was how the population grew. Since iron helped the people Nok people be better equipped the farmers, warriors, and hunters they gained power. 
        I think the hardest place to live is the desert because it has no water. Every living thing needs water to survive and most of your body is made of water. For a living you need water to survive in the harsh and hot desert climate. The water supports you from over heating and keeps your body to function. If your body over heats you may have a high fever and die from it. 
        Your body not only need water, but also needs good habitat. For example, if you live in polluted areas you may survive, but your body is not as healthy. A dry habitat in the desert is also very hard living during the no period rain. You have to drink as less water as possible to have enough water during the long period of no rain. Even though you may try to save water as much as possible and only drinking drips, there is still too less water to survive. Instead you may have to eat water roots to live through the dry season. Your body also need food too. With fierce animal, you can only catch by weapons or traps. To get a meal you would have to be successful. Wilderness also makes it unsafe. Living in the wild you need to watch for danger, even animals can be a threat.
              The reasons above shows why I think living in the desert is not a great idea. We should always take care of ourselves instead of living in a bad climate. Why should we live in harsh places when there are better ones?

        In my history class, I have learn that trade was one reason for spreading Islam religion. Many traders came to Islam to trade for goods, such as pottery. Since Muslim has fair rules, lots of people like it and most traders sometimes change their religion. Most places Muslim conquer turn to Muslim people. However some people stick with their culture and lived in groups called millets. When the traders come to trade goods they also remember the fair culture and bring it back to their lands. People who are interisted in the religion may come and live in Islam. 
        Places that reach far into the Asia Minor or Europe are parts of Islam. They accomplish many things with the religion. 
Almost all the people around Europe and Asia know about Muslim. Trade is one of the best way that spread Islam from home culture to around the world.
      I think the hardest of The Five Pillars of Islam is ''Giving to the poor and needy." Before the Muslims had the belief of Islam the Muslims did not want to give to the poor. The rich were greedy with what they have and didn;t want to give it away to the poor.  During the hajj the Muslims didn't feed the poor and instead help only themselves. Only one African man used his own money to feed the poor people. Without having to pay to the government people would not have give their money to the poor and needy. However, some people may still pay, even without the requirements. 
     Giving to the poor and needy counts for everyone, not only the rich. Usually the people rely on the rich,but everyone must do it. Even if you have a little bit you should give what you have to the person that needs it more than you. 
              I learn that Muhammad became famous when one day he went to pray inside a cave. In the cave an angel appear upon him and told Muhammad to recite. Muhammad understand him and wrote down everything he said. Like, when angel told him there is only one god, Allas. When he returned home Muhammad told his wife what happened and she told him he was chosen to be a prophet and should spread the news. Even before all of this occurred Mohammad was a good man who prayed to God everyday. He convinced people in what he says because almost all of his teachings are equal. Like, the rich sharing to the poor. All this made Muhammad an important person in Muslim religion.
        One day, while I was walking home from school I saw my uncle talking to my parents. My parents face were not
very happy, but as I went closer to the doorstep my uncle stopped me and said ''Are you going to go with me to the trip?''
he asked. Then I told him to give me a minute to think. As I closed my bedroom door I sat on my bed and think it over.
I wanted to go and explore the outside horizon, but I knew I would feel homesick and miss my family because I'm always
close by to them. I knew my Mom and Dad wouldn't let me go, but they trusted my Uncle and didn't want to disappoint him
with their opinion. So now the choice is up to me. I decided to go, even though it has harsh condition at the desert and  
many things that I'll miss with my family. As I walked up to my uncle I looked at my parents then at him.''I'll go..''I said.
My uncle gave me a happy smile and said ''We'll be leaving, tomorrow.''then he left. Finally, I'll be joining a caravan.
            My greatest fear of middle school is the eighth graders. I have read many books during my sixth grade year about eighth grader doing bad and mean things seventh graders. Like spitting in the ear of seventh graders or tricking them to scary or unsafe places. That made me afraid of going to seventh grade and middle school too. I am afraid things like that may happen to me. But, here at Edison Computech things like that doesn't happen. Instead it is almost like elementary where everybody is treat the same way. Is it the good students or is roamers? Maybe it is just in the old days. Luckily, it didn't come true!
         I was not very interested at first, but thinking of how the future president would treat us made me interested. Would he or she be polite to everyone and fix problems? Will he or she give us enough money? Before selecting the president, I would like to know him or her better and see which competitor would be better?  He or she should be a high educator and know what's right or wrong. The president should try to protect our country from dangerous enemies. The president should also keep us in one nation and not spread apart. Not only that he or she should deal with the economy of the state. I think our future president will be someone who follows all rules.
         I didn't know much about the September eleventh because I was only one or two. My parents were also at work. My mom was in school learning and my dad was at his work place. My grandma was the only one home with me. They said they were scared at that time. They said many famous place closed down, like The Golden Gate Bridge and Disney Land. Now I remember part of it and I think I could feel what it is probably like. I remember from my fifth grade year when my teacher put on a video of it. I know that the Muslims attacked America and may be trying to destroy it. I think it may had been one of the most scariest times in the United States of America.                                 
          If I would have had another role in Traders and Invaders, I would have been the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. They survived for another 1,000 years. During the years an emperor created Constantinople. The nation later ended, but started again as another empire, the Byzantine. the Byzantine were not Romans, but they still remember it. Even after the western part of the Roman Empire lost, they still have enough supplies. Without them scientists may not have enough information about Rome too.