It was a while ago, but it was still funny. My teacher and the class were talking about things that will be brought up in the future. Such as an oven that can cook food in seconds, which is now the microwave. Another thing was about flying cars which is now an air plane. My teacher and the class were talking about bringing back the extinct species, and my teacher said that in Jurassic park, they did bring up a new species. However it died within seconds. Then we talked about how we would use robots to do the work for us. However, one student mentioned that we would get lazy and fat. Therefore, we thought of some other ideas. It was funny when the teacher said that the world of technology will come and we will be using only technology. She said that there will be cell phones allow in school and that everyone won't use textbooks, paper, and pencils anymore. Maybe then it would have been a very long time.

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