Today in science, our class dissect a squid. Each person with their partner each had a squid, and we quickly dissect it. I was so shocked when I opened up the squid. The organism was so plain, no wonder squid don't survive long. Ther was barely anything, and all the organs were mostly in the mantle. There was very little to dissect because it was pretty little. Everything in the was very small and very simple, there wasn't even a stomach. When the squid was cooked, I found it interesting that it was so small. The mantle seemed bigger than that. After it was cooked, the mantle curled up. Therefore, if you were a squid eater you would need to eat up to about 50 of them to fill a human appetite.  
     Another thing that was very fascinating was the pen, or something that acts something similar to a back bone. It looked exactly like feather pen, and you can even write with it by poking it into the ink sack and start writing. The pen was so transparent, it looked just like plastic. Also, it was very easy to break. The squid dissection helped me learned something new about squids, that they are very simple. However, it has a stinky odor to me. 

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