Would you like a world of technology? I may like it, but there are many cons to it. Such as, the world may become lazy by only using technology. It could be also hard to concentrate at school with all the technology on. Students will be texting, watching videos, and do other things instead of focus on school work. Also, the city or town will use way too much electricity are there will not be enough money to pay all the bills. Using too much technology will not be good for our eyesight too. People can become blinded by the lights produce from the devise used everyday. This is why living a life with technology isn't good.
     I know that some people may want to live a life like this, because it is easy for them. The use of technology for them is a piece of cake, and it will not bother them. People may want to use technology all day long, since they are rich and can afford the bills. However, some people don't want to use only technology, because they want to enjoy life naturally and freely. Another reason, poor people can't afford highly cost bills. This is why living in a world with only technology isn't a benefit.

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