The fall of the Inca Empire was similar to the Aztec Empire because it fell when the Spaniards came and conquer them. Each ruler was killed by the Spaniards, and both rulers mistake the Spanish for a God that they honor. Also, the two kings pay the Spanish leaders to leave the land, but both the leaders refused. During the battles the Spanish had a military advantage because they have horses, a four legged animal that the Aztecs and Incas never seen before. Also, the Spanish have stronger weapons, such as cannons and guns. 
     The fall of both great empire fell from the mistake of one ruler and the Spanish. The Spanish removed most of the items in the Aztec and Incas culture by destroying the homes of the people and change it into a place to learn Christianity. Therefore, much of Aztec and Inca traditions were lost. Moctezuma, Pachacuti, Pizzaro, and Cort

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