My huge family and I had finally reached the new land. We have been traveling for miles and miles. We are about at Mexico, some of the southern countries. It was getting warmer, and we have been following the bison herd for about a month. The area we are in now is surround with abundant food that will last about a year. I think we should all stay here. However, there were some disagreements. The older people said we have been following herds of animals throughout their lives and didn't want to change it. But, the young people were tired of walking and always moving. Therefore, we made a big decision that night and decided to stay and see how the place was going to be like. 
     The next morning, everyone was setting up tents and was searching the area for food. Of course, there were plenty of plants, and we could make soup out of it. Our family decided to live there for a while, but when it was time to leave, many of us didn't want to go any more, because we were used to the place. Therefore, the place was our home for generations and generations. We would tell our children how we first found the new land.

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