Most people said that rainbows form from simply just water and light. Well there's more to it. In nature, the sun's rays are like light and water is like mirrors. As you can see, people don't really use light and mirrors to create rainbows, but use light and water. When the sun is up after a rainy day a rainbow forms and that is how rainbows started. Since the sun's rays are like light and water is like mirror, when the sun is up after a rain storm the light of the water dew or droplets refracts with the sunlight and becomes visible. Therefore, that is how nature creates a rainbow. Light isn't visible until it is refracted or bend. Refraction happens to make light visible. 
     Rainbows form when light and mirrors join in the same way. Except that now you are using mirror and light instead of water and sunlight. When turning on the light, use the mirror to reflect the light a specific way and a rainbow will appear. As you can see, making rainbow is really simple to how it forms.

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