I think that the most important discovery of science is the discovery of "Evolution." As you can see, evolution is the change with organism over time. Without knowing about evolution, we may never know who were our ancestors. Our ancestors during history do not look like us, so if the theory of evolution haven't been discover there would be like something missing to the puzzle piece. Since the puzzle piece is missing we may only believe what our grandparents tell us and never know the true theory. Without evolution we may also never evolve into a human being. Therefore the discovery of evolution is a benefit. 
     Evolution is a change to our bodies over time. It changes because of the climate change or the movements of Earth's crusts. Once long ago, the Earth was a Pangea, a continent all connected together. But, as the plates started to move, the weather changes and that is when our bodies adapt to the new climate. For example, if it's a cold climate we may grow fur to protect us from the cold and if it is hot we may be in our normal skin. Likewise the discovery of evolution is a add-on to our science and 

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